Contact Us
Contact Breed Info... for general enquiries... | Contact Treasurer... for all things financial. |
Tessa Akers Pond Farm Charlton Malmesbury Wiltshire SN16 9DU | Rachel Loadman 36 Bridge Road Brompton on Swale Richmond North Yorkshire DL10 7HS |
Tel: 01666 860470 | Tel: please use enquiry form |
[email protected]k | |
Other Bazadaise Council Members... | |
News, Stories and Photographs for the Website... We would love to hear from you whether you are a Bazadaise Society member or not, if you have Bazadaise cattle and run a pedigree herd or a commercial herd, or both. If you have some interesting news, a story to tell or some photographs of your stock, then we could feature them on our Website. Please contact:[email protected] |