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2025 is 'W' 

Here's My Herd

cockfield hall_th2

Here's My Herd

Thank-you to members and other Bazadaise owning farmers who have contributed words and photos for the Here's My Herd pages.  These are some of the most read pages on the website and so it's a good way for members and others to advertise their herd.Here is the list of past contributors, click on the links & see how other farmers and breeders are getting on with Bazadaise.  
cockfield hall_th2  brakes_th2  edmarc_youngstock macford_heifers1
 Cockfield Herd  supplied cattle for the our stand at Borderway Agri Expo.  See photos of their pure Bazadaise and Baz sired commercial cattle, also a 13 year old Bazadaise bull and a 15 year old Baz cow.  Brakes Herd
Founded in 2009, this new and expanding herd comprises pure Bazadaise cows and pure BB, AA and Lim cows, all put to Baz bulls.
 Edmarc Herd
Large, long established herd, breeding and finishing pure Bazadaise bulls and heifers and BazX out of B&W/BazX cows.
357 calf  akers_heifers with a crossbred steer  hh_2nd_calver_and_calf  duncan
Unthank Herd
North Yorkshire herd, breeding pure Bazadaise and Limousin/Bazadaise crosses, selling calves into the stores market and breeding bulls and females.
Braydon Forest Herd
Wiltshire based organic herd, with a small pure Bazadaise herd and a larger cross bred herd running Bazadaise bulls
Hardhillock Herd
Video of a six year old Bazadaise cow - showing how well shaped and quiet natured Bazadaise can be!
Papple Farm
This large commercial herd in East Lothian uses 2 Bazadaise bulls on Simmental and Angus suckler cows and heifers.
      Want your herd in this space?

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