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Online Herdbook

ear Letter for

2025 is 'W' 

Here's My Herd

cockfield hall_th2

Secretary's News

December 2015
tessaOur Secretary,
Tessa Akers, Braydon Forest Herd

Next meeting is the 2016 AGM on Wednesday 2nd March in North Yorkshire, more details nearer the time. 
All Members are welcome.



Don’t forget calves should be registered by the end of the third month following the month of birth however late registrations are accepted after this date at an increased fee of £70 + Vat instead of £35 + Vat.  The Year letter for calves born in 2015 is L but changes to M for calves born after 1st January 2016.

You can register your calves from the website which is 

Any queries please feel free to contact me: email: [email protected] or Tel: 01666 860470


New Birth Registrations
The easiest way to register births is by doing it online through our website.  The first time, you'll need a Username and Password which you can get from me. You can still register calves by post.

Either way, you'll get the pedigree certificate in 2-3 weeks after registration.  Remember also, to post, or scan and email, the ET or AI certificate, if appropriate.

We'd like to welcome these new full members who have joined in 2015..
K Mellor, Horncastle Lincolnshire
Sam Baldock, East Sussex

Simon Hamplett, Stafford who purchased 2 in calf heifers at our May sale at Newark

and, lastly, to our very newest member Mark Leighton, Briarhill Farm, Nr Whitchurch, Shropshire

and new Associate Members...
Mark Driffield, Thirsk
Swindells Livestock Ltd, Lincs
J E Reynolds & Co, Loughborough
Ga & SM Harvey, Devon
RM & BK Rawlings, Malmesbury, Wilts
G R Stevenson & Co, Orkney
J W Carr Partnership, Rothbury
T & E Todd, West Lothian
A C Lang, Angus
J Wilkinson, Arisaig

Animals for Sale
All bulls, cows, heifers and crossbred cattle can be sold with the help of an advert on this website.  You can have a description plus photos and video.
This helps us when people phone or email with an enquiry -  we can point them in the right direction immediately. You can use the Contact Us page to leave details or phone or email me.
Online Payments

Please, no cheques anymore - get the bank details from Rachel, our Treasurer and pay online instead! 

Much quicker and cheaper
for all of us.

For Sale and Wanted


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