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Market Reports

How do Bazadaise cattle perform? 

Crossbred or pure - store or prime?

Here's some recent member supplied data...

It was a fantastic trade at Newark Livestock Market on 12th April 2017 - with Bazadaise cattle taking many top honours

Newark sale report here

£1775.12 for a 729kgs Baz bull
and £1748.35 for one at 730kg

203.5p per kilo for OTM Baz heifer
234.5p for prime Bazadaise heifers


A great result for Bazadaise and well done to both vendors!

Breeding Better Beef

Melton Mowbray vendor, Marcus Smith, (Edmarc Herd) sold Bazadaise bulls and heifers as follows:

Prime Bazadaise Bulls 
729kgs and £1775.12
730kgs and £1748.35
648kgs and £1610.28
636kgs and £1580.46
599 kgs and £1482.53
599 kgs and £1476.54
OTM heifers 576 kgs 203.5p/kg £1172.16
RG and JRH Holmes sold heifers to 234.5p/kg 517 kgs and £1212.37


Mark Peters from Ringmer, East Sussex has had success with March and April 2015 born Bazadaise calves. Out of Blue x Friesians sired by Bazadaise bulls.  Sold from £680 to £815.

See the Hailsham Market Store Catte Sale Report from 26th October 2015 here

Willie Crawford, Macford Herd sends us the abattoir data for these 2 young pure Bazadaise bulls sent to ABP Perth on
1st July 2015
15months U+2 406.1kg 380ppkg
15months E-2 414.4kg 380ppkg
25th November 2014......
12 and 13 months
Grade: U+2- and U+2+ (automatic)
Net Wt: 380.2 kg and 382.6 kg
Value: £1453.88 and £1475.18


Sale of Pure and Cross Bazadaise Cattle, held at Newark Livestock Market on 18th April 2015.
 logo3Sale Report
New member, Mark Leighton, Briarhill Farm, Ightfield, Shropshire  (Briarhill Herd)  had success at Market Drayton Show and Sale on Wednesday 3rd December 2014 with some of their Bazadaise x steers, one of which which made £1311.0 and £2.30 pence per kilo  and another made £2.19 pence per per kilo

Market Report here

Gill Smith (Edmarc Herd) tells us they had top priced barren cow at Newark (w/c 12 May 2014) 166.5p per kilo which came to £1275.39 and also an 8 year old barren cow made £1383.21
She also remarks that they have weighed some heifers sold on the deadweight, which were mainly crossbreds, and they averaged 61% killing out.
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